ESG Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from America

Aula Jona, Department of Management of the University of Turin Corso Unione Sovietica, 218bis, Turin

Presentation abstract: The relationship between a company’s ESG (environmental, social, governance) attributes and its stock performance has been quite debatable. Through an empirical study, we investigate high ESG stocks’ resilience to the market turmoil during the COVID-19 pandemic by examining firms’ ESG financial performance. Our results suggest that high ESG stocks generated more abnormal returns...

An overview of the research project on Empathy, Compassion, and Care in Water Governance, from the Perspective of Integral Ecology

Aula Magna, Department of Management of the University of Torino Corso Unione Sovietica, 218bis, Turin, Italia

Presentation abstract: The presentation focuses on the development of a collaborative governance model that protects water and communities as legal living entities. Water is the most essential element for life to flourish in our environment, acting as a powerful medium for living beings and places. Thus, an ecologically integrated approach to water sustainability and management...

Linking Strategic Agility to Product Development: The Role of Employee Resilience and Self-efficacy as Microfoundations

Aula 3, Department of Management of the University of Turin

Abstract While strategic agility is increasingly acknowledged as a critical source of innovation and product development performance (PDP), little attention has been paid to the micro individual capabilities that translate strategic agility into greater PDP. This study examines the mediating roles of employee resilience and self-efficacy as key dynamic micro-level (individual) capabilities that connect firms’...

Espresso for chocolate: place dynamics of Turin’s social impact entrepreneurial ecosystem

Abstract “What a dignified, severe city, wonderful clarity, autumn colors, an exquisite sense of well-being that is common to all things” – F. Nietzsche on Turin, Italy The purpose of this paper is to extend understanding of place as a key dynamic of entrepreneurial ecosystems (EEs) aiming to deliver social impact. Research on EEs dedicated...

ESG practices and bank deposits: evidence from the covid-19 pandemic

Abstract This paper investigates the effect of banks’ ESG performance on deposit flows and rates on a sample of 177 listed US bank holding companies around the Covid-19 outbreak. We find that, during the crisis triggered by the pandemic, depositors reward high ESG banks by requiring lower rates on interest-bearing deposits and increasing the supply...

Retracing the Links: Exploring the Relationship Between EU VAT, Customs Duties and International Trade

Abstract My research project “EU Value Added Tax, Customs Duties and International Trade. Retracing the links” delves into the intriguing close relationship between customs duties and (import) VAT, also in order to gain a deeper understanding of the intricate interplay between them. Firstly, I trace it from an historical-economic perspective and, then, I investigate on...

Influence of institutional context and institutional logics on strategy decision-making

Aula 10

Abstract Public universities now have a strategic plan like capitalist enterprises, and internal context plays an important role in influencing decision-making, as the reality experienced by universities is the result of a series of events, interpretations, and representations experienced by the individuals who constitute them. Institutional logics also play a critical role in influencing decision-making,...

Organizational wellbeing in the digital post-covid era: real life-examples and solutions shared to manage work-related stress

Aula 8

Abstract As happens for many processes of historical evolution, the first half of 2020 will be remembered forever as an epochal moment in the history of work activities since, following the Covid-19 public health emergency globally, in order to survive organizations found themselves forced to use the only tools they had at their disposal to...

The Circular Economy in Theory and Practice

Aula 8

Abstract In a world grappling with environmental challenges, it has become increasingly evident that the dominant linear economic model is unsustainable within the confines of our planetary boundaries, and it falls short of fulfilling the requisites for enduring sustainable development. To address this pressing issue, the Circular Economy (CE) is being promoted as an alternative...

When & How Do Employees Forgive the Transgressions by Authoritarian Leaders?

Aula 8

When & How Do Employees Forgive the Transgressions by Authoritarian Leaders? The Mediating Role of Attributions and the Moderating Role of Severity   Abstract How can organizations mitigate the negative impact of leader transgressions on employee outcomes and foster forgiveness? This has been one of the major questions in the leadership and ethics literature. Previous...

Artificial Intelligence: history, evolution, and short to medium-term scenarios

Aula 8

Abstract Artificial intelligence has become a topic of common conversation and a ubiquitous tool in human activities for about half a decade. In truth, AI and neural networks have been the subject of scientific, philosophical, and ethical debate since the first half of the previous century. The scientific community has been using them for research...

Failures of Innovation: determining factors and effects for learning processes

Aula 8

Abstract In turbulent environments, one of the fundamental problems is the high risk of failure in new innovation projects (missing goal), which generates negative effects on organizational behaviour and performance of firms. The study confronts this problem here by developing a conceptual framework that clarifies the theoretical structure of project-level failure  that is based on ...